Monday, January 4, 2010

Grandma & Grandpa (4/365)

Today was an epic fail. I loaded my camera into my purse and off we went to run errands at Target and the mall. Lots of great life documenting there right? Went to take a picture of Sage with her popcorn and sprite at Target and my camera beeped at me...NO MEMORY CARD! Left the darn thing at home. So, my picture of the day is actually from a couple weeks ago when Scott's parents came to visit (is that cheating?). As you can tell from the picture, she had a great time with them.
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The Sweetest Thing Photography said...

Awww! Dang it - now see - that kind of thing happens to me all the time. But this capture is so worth it. Love it!

amy and kids said...

Adorable pic!

I didn't have a memory card in my camera during the kids' Christmas program at church. I had my Rebel and P&S with me but the Rebel's battery died and I went to use the P&S and found out I had left the memory card in the computer at home.

blueyedangel1207 said...

Great pic!

We went to Disney on Ice this past Sunday and I didn't charge the battery in my camera before we left and it died on me there. I didn't mind too much let me enjoy the show a lot more!

House of 5 said...

That is too cute! Looks like a fun time!

bloggerme said...

Aww, they look like such fun people!!!!