Monday, January 2, 2012


It was a super nice, mild day today so we spent a lot of time in the backyard playing with the dogs. Nala is obsessed with Riley. Riley is obsessed with playing ball. He chases the ball. She chases him. And she holds on to his ear or his scruff for dear life. He has become very patient with her. He could easily shake her off, but he doesn't. After about a half hour, he does get grumpy, so we just end our playtime. As you can see from the above pic, she loves to stand up on him.

This girl didn't even get dressed today. It was a jammie day for her.

He runs, she holds on to his scruff.


Waiting for the ball

Miss Chloe just hangs out. Her ears are up because she heard Scott come home. I love how her ears raise when she is listening to something. Chloe is the cutest, cuddliest dog ever. She oversees things in the backyard with Riley and Nala.


Let me eat your ear!

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1 comment:

Diane W said...

Nala is so funny with Riley, must be very entertaining to watch! Guess Nala knows Chloe won't stand for such shenanigans. And those jammie days are the best!