Monday, March 30, 2009


We've been enjoying the sunny weather. There is a new park here in town that is UNBELIEVABLE. We've been going to it every chance we get. We did bubbles tonight. Can you tell she liked it?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Kindle 2

I just bought this and I LOVE IT!! I recommend this to every avid reader out there. This is my best purchase in a really long time.


This shrimp recipe is so delicioius. I have been making it once a week (at least!). The only thing I do different is I shell the shrimp first. That way, they are ready to eat right out of the oven. I serve it over rice. It is a must try! Have I mentioned that I love the Pioneer Woman and her recipes.


She's officially 2 years old! We had a birthday party for her with lots of friends, family, food, and love. It was great.
She had her 2 year well check appointment on Wednesday. She weighs 26 pounds 10 ounces. She's as healthy as can be and is talking up a storm. She is pretty much non-stop talking all day. This morning she was telling Lucy to "Shut Up". It was the first time we've had to tell her to NOT say something.

Yesterday, she decided it would be a good idea to put some of my makeup in the toilet after she had pooped in it. Scott had a good time fishing that out. Today, she is out with my parents. They are taking her to pick out a tricycle and helmet for her birthday. We're meeting up for dinner with them later.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Little Snow

We got a little snow over the weekend. All Sage wanted to do was EAT it. She had a great time outside. She asks to go outside or to the park everyday.
In other news......Sage has a new habit......sucking her thumb. It is really weird that she would start this so late, but none the less, she is doing it.