Saturday, April 30, 2011

Spring Flowers

We trespassed on some property near our house last weekend to take these pics out in a field of wild flowers. I'd been eyeing this spot for a while, but was waiting for a break in the weather. We finally had one. Of course, as it is with kids, Sage was totally uncooperative. So, the photos are not what I had envisioned, but none the less, they are a picture of our life (i.e. an uncooperative 4 year old). As we left, there was a dude waiting to mow down the flowers. Good thing we made it there when we did.

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Friday, April 29, 2011


I like smut every now and then, and this series definitly qualifies for that. It is a very adult vampire series by JR Ward. It is total escapism and a really fun read. I like to read books like this in between my more serious & heavy books.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! We are finally getting ready to dye eggs. Better get a move on since it's 6:30 pm the night before Easter. Oops!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Be An American Housewife

This book was just o.k for me. I thought it would be more historical fiction (which I love), but it was really just a nice story (that wasn't that interesting). Glad to be done with it and moving on.....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tiger's Curse

This is a young adult series and honestly, I loved it! Tiger's Curse is the first book in the series. There is another one available called Tiger's Quest that I will read shortly. The third book is due out in the fall. The story was very interesting and I learned a lot about the history of India. Like Twilight, there is some teenage hystrionics, but I just powered through those parts :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Blue Stripe

Sage got her first stripe on her karate belt after her first six week course in junior karate.

She had to pass a little test of all the things that she had learned.

She loves karate and we signed her up to continue.

Sage and her instructor Miss Ashley

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Peach Keeper

OK, well I guess the reading slump is over. I read this in less than 2 days. I LOVED it! This is the second book that I've read from this author (the first being Garden Spells). I just love the magic and bit of mystery in her books.