Thursday, February 26, 2009


Here is our conversation from a few minutes ago.

Sage had just gotten out of the bath and was in her room. I walked in and found her peeing on the floor.

Mama: Sage....what is that? (Pointing at pee on floor)
Sage: Poop?
Mama: No Sage, that is not poop. What is it?
Sage: Water?
Mama: No Sage, that is not water. What is it?
Sage: Rain?

I was laughing too hard at that point to continue. I love our conversations.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Fun At The Park

We had great weather last week and we were able to make it to the park 3 different times. We've learned a little something about Sage......she is a chicken. She won't do anything at the park. She just says "I don't want to".
This park day was a miracle because she actually climbed on a few things. We'll just keep trying and let her go at her own pace.
She thought about his tunnel long and hard, and finally crawled through it to me. She calls it a "Cave".

Monday, February 16, 2009


She couldn't get enough of this.

I was baking a cake the other day and figured that Sage was finally old enough to lick the frosting off the spatula. As you can tell, she really enjoyed it.

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Saturday, February 7, 2009


Sage only has one doll. She got it for her birthday last year from my parents. She has an off and on again relationship with her. Sometimes, she wants to play with her all the time. Other times she wants nothing to do with her. The other night she asked for the doll and when Scott brought it to her, she called her Addy. This is the first thing she has named herself. I had one beloved doll from my childhood. Her name was Andy. She is still in my parents attic with her hair chopped off and ink stains all over her. I loved that doll! I hope Addy is like that for Sage.

Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random Things

Once again, it's been forever since I've updated my blog. Life just gets in the way sometimes. Honestly, I hate doing a post without a picture, and Sage has been nearly impossible to photograph lately. She is just not willing to sit still at all.

There is a little game going around Facebook to list 25 random thing about yourself. I've been "tagged" many times on facebook, but haven't done the list yet. I'm going to do it here instead....Here goes....

1. I love my husband and daughter so much it hurts.

2. I'm usually happy.

3. I'm rarely sick.

4. I'm addicted to t.v.

5. I love that being a nurse allows me to work part time and still bring home a decent income.

6. I miss my grandma.

7. I wish I lived closer to Alison. I wish we at least lived within a reasonable drive of each other.

8. I don't sleep well unless I'm cuddled up to my dog Lucy.

9. I have OCD and am a "checker".

10. Having melanaoma has scared the crap out of me. I hate the sun now.

11. I love to snack (and so does Sage)

12. I'm afraid to die.

13. I could live in flip flops.

14. I like wearing glasses.

15. I'm obessesed with buying Sage clothing from Gymboree.

16. I love my scrapbook girlfriends and our retreats.

17. I'm not a jealous person.

18. I have the best parents.

19. My heart was broken when my twins were born premature and then died.

20. My heart healed when Sage was born.

21. I feel so blessed and can't ask for anymore than I already have.

22. I'm sad that my dogs are getting old.

23. I want to go back to Las Vegas for vacation.

24. I love to read and really want a Kindle from

25. My goal this year is to buy a Canon Reblel camera.