Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Making Cookies

We made cookies for the first time together. Sage did great and I was pleasantly surprised by what a great attention span she had. She stuck with it until the chocolate chips and M&M's were added. Then, she only wanted to eat them. Who can blame a girl though?

Sage was watching 101 Dalamtians the other night, while me and Scott were painting the kitchen. All of a sudden she burst out sobbing....real sobbing. We ran down to the living room, thinking she had hurt herself. No, she was crying because one of the dalmatians was hanging from a window sill and she though it was going to fall and get hurt. For those of you that know me well.......all I can say is SHE IS MY DAUGHTER.


Kendell said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Those are seriously the CUTEST pictures EVER!!! LOVE THEM!!!

laura D said...

How about those pictures of the new wall color???

Janie said...

I have some great cookie photos of Rocky making the peanut butter blossoms. It was a lot of fun for him to unwrap the kisses.

Audrey said...

There is something so special about making cookies with our kids. I love that you documented it with photos!