Monday, April 5, 2010


Now, I've said this before, but I must say it again......She talks non-stop. From the minute she gets up in the morning and asks for hot chocolate until the second she falls asleep while screaming for a drink of water. By 9:30, which is now, I am so done with talking. I love to hear what she has to say (I really do love it), but I am exhausted! She also has an imaginary friend now. Her name is Minnie, but she mostly goes by "sister". So, I'm taking care of two kids now. Minnie has to be fed, played with, and even put on the potty by me. Her and Sage share a bed though, so at least we didn't have to buy another set of bedroom furniture :)
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Kendell said...

OK-that is the dumbest thing EVER!!! Minnie?!! Are you kidding me??? That kid KILLS me! LOVE HER!!!

laura D said...

LOL !!!!

Diane W said...

Love her immagination! It's going to be interesting to see how long the friend lasts... so cute though.