Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I'll update when we get back from vacation. I should have some great pictures (hopefully!).

I'll leave you with one of Sage from last weekend. She was out playing in her little pool. By the way...she had her 15 month check today and she weighed in at a whopping 22 pounds 4 ounces. She's a little string bean, that is for sure.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

At The Park

We went to a graduation party today a park. Sage is getting some molars, and has been extremely cranky. She was walking the edge today during the party and the only thing that would make her happy was a lollipop. Her very first one. We held it for her, but I had to at least get some photos of her holding it on her own.

She has been throwing some back arching, head banging tantrums lately. The lastest one was in the Dollar Store. It was great to make a public scene. Look at this face though, how can you resist it?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Can You Believe She Is Mine?

Look at this kid. She is the spitting image of her dad. Is she even really mine?? Thank God I remember every living minute of her being born, or I would have to question whether she came from me. I'm so glad she looks like Scott. His sisters are beautiful, and I'm sure Sage will resemble them when she is older.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bath Time

Sage gets a bath each night. I give her the actual bath and Scott gets her out of the tub, dries her, and dresses her for bedtime. I've always pulled her out of the tub and into Scott's waiting arms, where he bundles her up in a towel. Since she is such a big girl now, we've started standing her up right outside the tub, drying her off, and wrapping her in a big girl towel. She is all about being a big girl. Check out the smile.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Words, Words, Words

Sage's language is increasing almost daily. Both her expressive and receptive language skills. It amazes me the things she comes up with. We were shopping in Fred Meyer last week and I was buying chicken. I told her what it was as I put in in the cart and out of her mouth as clear as day she said "chicken". She says it all the time now. Frozen chicken breast nuggets are one of the only foods she will eat (Did you know she is a VERY picky eater) and she is very proud of the fact that she knows what they are called. She understands so much more of what we are saying to her too (It is long past time to stop using profanity...that is a hard one to give up!). I can tell her it is time to put her shoes on and she walks to her dresser and points to the drawer where her shoes and socks are and then sits on the floor and sticks her feet out to have them put on. We just love it!

I'm Trying This Again

As many of you know, I tried to do the whole blog thing a while back. I failed miserably. I am starting a new chapter in my life and it includes doing the blog thing again. I was scrapbooking this weekend and couldn't remember what Sage was doing at 11 months old. I, of course, had not written it down anywhere. This blog will be my reminder about what we are doing and how we are doing it. I can refer to it when I scrapbook and hopefully you all can enjoy it in the meantime. Wish me luck!

Here is Sage (with a very messy face). She had yogurt on her bib and when Scott pulled the bib off, the yougurt got in her hair and gave her a little mowhawk! Gotta love it!