Sunday, August 24, 2008

In The Dog House

Usually when Sage is running around the house, I can hear her chattering away. This morning it all of a sudden got very quiet, so I went looking for her. I couldn't find her and started to panic. Then I heard a tiny noise in my bedroom. There she the dog crate. She relaxed in there for about 10 minutes. It is pretty cozy.

Riley is not supposed to be laying in Sage's chair. He minds well, don't you think?
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Go Diego Go

I'm not sure if this is good or not, but Sage loves Go Diego Go. For those of you without little kiddos, Go Diego Go is a cartoon about a little boy who is an Animal Scientist. She is completley tranfixed by it and will sit and watch an entire thirty minute episode without a peep. When she wants to watch it, she points atthe tv and says Diego. Diego trumps The Wiggles in Sage's world.

PS...I've been very bad at taking pictures lately. I think I need my friend Laura to do a photo shoot with Sage. Hmm Laura..what do you think?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Motorcycle

She loves it. Whenever the garage door opens and she sees Scott's bike, she points at it and wants to sit on it. She would stay out in the garage forever with her dad. It is their time together and it is so cute.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Tired Girl

Today is the first day that our out- of- town company is gone and Sage was exhausted! She had such a great time being with her cousin Megan for a week. I think Sage thought that Megan was staying. We had a quiet day and Sage layed on the couch and watched GO DIEGO GO all morning. She was much better after a 3 hour nap this afternoon.

My friend Alison left this morning. Our visit was so fun, but far too short. She hasn't been reading my blog because she assumed I would just flake out on it. Surprise to her! I expect her to be a loyal reader now and leave me some comments.

Here is a picture of Sage this morning, lounging on the couch.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Our niece Megan is staying with us this week and then my great friend Alison is coming to stay this weekend. Needless to time to blog. I'll catch up next week.