Monday, March 15, 2010

Birthday Party!

We decided to just have a small family party this year for Sage. Here she is with my parents and Scott's mom. This was outside the Chinese restaurant where we had a delicious lunch.

Playing with her new easel which was a HUGE hit!

Her new piggy bank, which she keeps asking for money for :)

Her birthday cake, which she picked out herself. She looked at pictures of all the different flavors online. She chose a white cake, strawberry mousse filling, and buttercream chocolate frosting. So yummy! For her real birthday on Thursday, she will be at daycare. I'll bring cupcakes, hats, and blowers for all the kids. Then after work, I'll take her to our local version of Build A Bear (thanks for the great idea Kendell). She has never been there and I can assure everyone....she will LOVE it. I can't wait to see her there. On Sunday, we hiked up Roxy Anne Mountain, which is super close to our house. I'll post pics later this week. My sisters kids are coming to visit this weekend, so that will bring lots of photo opportunities. Busy times, and we are loving the increased daylight hours.
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1 comment:

Kendell said...

Cute, cute, CUTE!!! I LOVE the pic of the little lefty drawing! That kid!!!