Monday, July 5, 2010


Another miracle happened around here......Saturday at Lost Creek Lake, Sage asked Scott to take her out in the kayak! Last year, we couldn't even get her to put on a life jacket. They were out for about 30 minutes and she seemed to really like it. Scott recently won a contest at work and he won a real kayak. It is a one man kayak, and apparantly it is for me. I'm not a huge water person but I was willing to give it a a try. So today, we went to Fish Lake and kayaked around for a while. Me in the one person, Scott and Sage in the 2 person. We went for what seemed like a long time and I was feeling somewhat tired. We took a break on a beach and then we started out on our way back. Half way back to shore, I became so weak and tired. I could barely life the paddle. I had NO idea how tired kayaking could make me. At one point I screamed at Scott "Get me the "f" back to shore" (I didn't say "f" though, I said the real thing). There was nothing he could do to help me. My paddling was really ineffective because I was so tired and my kayak kept turning the wrong way. I powered up the strength to get back, but honestly, I'm not sure I'm loving that hobby. My dad is buying a crazy nice boat that we can use at the lakes to fish in and pull tubes behind. That is WAY more my speed.
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Kendell said...

Since when did you become so outdoorsey?!!! That is CRAZY that you went in a kayak-can't say I would have even tried it. You deserve a prize.

Lollie said...

That is hysterical! I can totally hear you screaming that! I bet you have nice guns! I can't wait to see your dads boat! I really can't wait to go out on it! :) Glad you made it home safe Kricket!

Janie said...

Itis A LOT of work! That's a funny story! I don't think I can stand being so constricted......