Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Scott's New Baby

There's a new baby at the Lambert house and it belongs to Scott. Here it is. He loves it (although he still needs to get his motorcycle license).

In Sage news, she can now sing the theme song to the t.v. show Two & A Half Men. I am very proud.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Crash Hot Potatoes

I know everything on this blog is usually about Sage, but tonight is different. I have to tell you about Crash Hot Potatoes. I made them tonight for the first time and I must say, they ROCK! To find the recipe, go to http://www.thepioneerwoman.com/. Click on cooking (it's towards the top of the page). That gets you to her recipe site. There is a menu on the left hand side of the page. Go to sides and then potatoes. It is there that you will find this delicious and most importantly easy dish.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Mind Of Her Own

Well, my little girl is quickly becoming my big girl. I would say we officially have a stubborn toddler on our hands. We have multiple "throw yourself on the floor and bang your head" tantrums daily. She is really exerting her independence too. She won't let me hand her a cracker anymore...she wants to get it herself out of the box now. It cracks us up. She is also starting to do some pretend play. She has some dolls that she totes around the house all day and tries to feed. We have a little doll stroller, highchair, and bouncy seat and she is putting her dolls in and out of that stuff all day. It is great to see her play like that.

I thought for sure that her first spoken dog name would be Lucy, but I was wrong. She started saying Chlo Chlo about two weeks ago (that is what we call Chloe). Finally a couple of days ago she started saying Lucy. She just says "Cy" though. It is so cute. She hasn't said Riley yet. We are still working on that one.

She is finally liking the pool a bit more. I really need to get off my lazy butt and get us enrolled in swim lessons. I'm working a bit extra lately, so it's hard to commit to something like swim lessons.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I've been getting some complaints from my parents that they have not been on my blog. Well, here you go mom & dad. Love You!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I want to make this


I need somebody to make it first and tell me how hard it is. I'm a wimp when it comes to baking.

No. That's her new word. Great, just great.

July 4th

My sister and her family live in Eureka, and even though it isn't very far away, we don't see each other often. Her kids Tessa & Sadie are 9 and 7. They came up this last week to spend some time with my parents in Rogue River. We had everyone over for swimming and dinner over the 4th of July weekend. It was so great to have Sage getting to know her cousins. The day was absolutley perfect (except for the fact that Sage still hates the pool).

Friday, July 4, 2008

My New Favorite Pictures

These pictures are unbelievable. Can you feel their love?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hood River & Oregon Zoo

We took our annual vacation with The Brunos (Scott's sister Kelly, husband Jim, kiddos Megan & Jack) to Hood River. We rented this great house and did lots of tourist stuff. Sage did really well. This was her first big vacation. She is not a great car rider, but she actually did great. Megan rode up to Hood River with us and that really helped keep Sage entertained. I bought a portable DVD player and that helped too. It made me think of all our long trips to Montana each summer as a child. My sister and I were stuffed into the back of our Jetta with nothing to amuse ourselves with exept each other. Those were the longest trips ever!!!! Anyway...back to Hood River. We went to a great fish hatchery near the Boneville Dam and to Multnomah Falls. We also went to the Oregon Zoo in Portland. It was all really fun and Sage had a great time being with her cousins.