Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hood River & Oregon Zoo

We took our annual vacation with The Brunos (Scott's sister Kelly, husband Jim, kiddos Megan & Jack) to Hood River. We rented this great house and did lots of tourist stuff. Sage did really well. This was her first big vacation. She is not a great car rider, but she actually did great. Megan rode up to Hood River with us and that really helped keep Sage entertained. I bought a portable DVD player and that helped too. It made me think of all our long trips to Montana each summer as a child. My sister and I were stuffed into the back of our Jetta with nothing to amuse ourselves with exept each other. Those were the longest trips ever!!!! Anyway...back to Hood River. We went to a great fish hatchery near the Boneville Dam and to Multnomah Falls. We also went to the Oregon Zoo in Portland. It was all really fun and Sage had a great time being with her cousins.


Robin said...

Love the pictures...Glad you took a family picture. We try to do that when we go somewhere! Great memories

laura D said...

Oh Kristi, what a wonderful picture of Sage and the seal !!!! Blow that baby up to a poster !!!