Friday, May 7, 2010

Sunny Days

Oh, how we love our sunny days. Brought out the little splash pool the other day. It was a huge hit! This last week was so busy for us. I went to Portland with my girlfriend Alison last weekend, so the rest of the week was spent playing catch up on everything. The weekend away without Scott and Sage was wonderful and just what I needed. It was great to catch up with my friend. We stayed right downtown and walked everywhere we wanted to go. I decided that I wasn't taking my camera with me. I just wanted a break from it all. I will admit, that was a decision I regretted during some of the weekend. Cirque Du Soleil, Powell's Books, Brunch at The Benson, and dinner at The Melting Pot were among our hightlights. I stopped at the Coach outlet on my way home and picked out my "Mother's Day Gift". It is big, leather, and YELLOW. I love it. Happy Mother's Day to all my mother friends!
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Kendell said...

That is such a cute picture!!! Her swim suit is DARLING!!! Happy Mothers Day!!!

Janie said...

Fresh halibut, you lucky dog!!!!!

I had to laugh at expecting everything to die since you're not such a gardner. I was thinking the same thing after finishing the "shade garden". Just praying some of them, if not all of them make it!
Love the new look on the blog.......