Sunday, January 31, 2010

Not Convinced (31/365)

Sage is just so-so on dress up. Sometimes she loves it, but most of the time she wants nothing to do with it. My mom brought her this Belle dress from Beauty And The Beast. As you can see from her expression, she is not convinced that she likes it. It is currently hanging in her closet where she will hopefully one day want to wear it.
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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Drawing (30/365)

Sage loves to draw. She has a couple different Magnadoodles and uses them both all the time. She is actually drawing stuff now that is recognizable. As you can tell from the photo, she is a little leftie!
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Friday, January 29, 2010

Picky? Picky? Picky? (29/365)

Okay, so you know how I complain about how picky Sage is? Just an FYI...she will eat chorizzo, pesto, feta, arthichoke heart, and garlic pizza. I seriously could not believe it. She filled up on it tonight! Also, I overheard a conversation last night between Sage and her daddy......Sage "Why are you my daddy?".....Scott "because I am very very lucky". Brought tears to my eyes.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Moods (28/365)

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Her sour look reflects my mood today. It was a day of work, daycare, cramps, toothache, and to top it vomit all over the house. Hoping tomorrow is better.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pinecones (27/365)

In case you were wondering, organizing pinecones at the park is a VERY serious job.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cheese (26/365)

Everyday when I ask Sage what she want to eat she says mac and cheese, cottage cheese, and a cheese sandwich. The child LOVES cheese. Along with frozen berries, it is the only thing I can count on her eating. She's a picky child :)
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Monday, January 25, 2010

Pizza Night (25/365)

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We spent the afernoon yesterday watching the food channel. One of the shows was on the best pizza in the country. It made me so hungry for pizza. I was too lazy (and cheap) to go out and get pizza, so I threw together a stupid homemade pizza. Scott walked in, took one look at it, and said "this is what the food channel inspired you to make?". It is a pretty pathetic piece of work. I think he entitrely expected that I would cave to my craving and go and get pizza from our favorite place. I totally should have.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reading With Daddy (24/365)

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This was the best I could do tonight. I have a toothache! Going to the dentist tomorrow to have my permanent crown put on and agonizing over the fact that I may need a root canal.

Retreat Weekend (23/365)

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Really, do I need to say anymore? Had a great weekend scrapbooking with 11 other gals. Audrey ordered some Tru-Blood, reminiscent of the synthetic blood the vampires drink on HBO's True Blood. She also craftily made the straws, which had Eric the hottest vampire ever on them. I loved them (Thanks Audrey)! The drink was so good..It is a blood orange soda. Yummy! Got tons of pages done and had tons of laughs. Thank You Laurie, Laura, Robin, Audrey, Lisa, Julie, Marna, Nicole, Melissa, Janie, and Anita. You girls ROCK!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lily The Bear (22/365)

There is a webcam set up in a den of a black bear in MN somewhere. A goup of bear researchers are keeping everyone updated on her hibernation status and most importantly, of her getting ready to give birth for the first time. I've been watching Lily for the last few days (and I'm one her 38, 000 fans on facebook). She appeared to go into labor yesterday as she was very ancy and pounding around in her den a lot. When Sage got up this morning, Lily appeared to be about to give birth. I explained to Sage what was happening and she was GLUED to the computer screen. She was very upset, thinking her tummy was going to be cut open (like mine was), so I had to explain to her that the baby cub was going to come out a different way. Lily turned her back to the camera right before giving birth, but as soon as the cub was born you could hear her crying (sounded just like a human baby) and Lily was comforting her with grunts and lots of movement trying to get her to nurse. Shortly after, all was quiet except for the sound of the cub suckling. It was amazing to watch. Sage learned a lot today. Lily may have given birth to a second cub already, the researchers are trying to verify it. Check it out!
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Park Day (21/365)

Park day seriously?? Yes, we went to the park in January. That is not right. I also found 2 ticks on my dogs today. We should not have ticks this time of year. Theoretically, it should be too cold. It was nice getting out today, but I'm ready for winter. At this rate, when winter finally does show up, it is going to last until June. I will be at a scrapbook retreat this weekend, so I won't post again until Sunday.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Exercise & Self Portrait (20/365)

Here is the console to my exercise bike. I love my bike! I ride it almost every night for 30 minutes. The time goes by so fast because I read while I do it. Have I lost any weight? No, of course not. I swear, the more I exercise, the hungrier I am. I end up just eating more. It's a terrible circle :) My reflection is in the dial of the bike too, so it is sort of a self portrait also.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our Photo Wall (19/365)

Can you tell that today is was a work day for me? Those are the days when I really have to force a picture. Tonight, it is of our photo wall. I just started this a few months ago, and am loving it. It is a HUGE wall with vaulted ceilings and I want photos over the whole thing. The frames look crooked in the picture, but I can assure you, they are straight in real life. I bought 2 great new frames today to add to the wall. Can you tell that Sage is an only child?
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Monday, January 18, 2010

My Girl (18/365)

I haven't done an "All About Sage" post in a while, so I though I would update all our family and friends about her today. She is going to be 3 in 2 months (sniff, sniff)
  • As you can tell from the background of todays pic, she loves to play with packing peanuts. Silly girl! We keep a box full of them for her.
  • She talks from the moment she gets up until the moment she goes to bed. And I mean really talk. Her favorite phrase right now is "I told you so mom". She also recently told me that her mouth is her "piehole". Thank you daycare for that one.
  • Scott was cooking a turkey over the weekend and she was crying because it was dead. She also refused to eat it. Ummmm....can you say vegetarian???
  • She, like us, is a total animal lover. She notices every animal in her sights and wants to have long conversations about them. She loves her 3 dogs and 2 cats like crazy. She is really empathetic towards our older dogs and is completely respectful of their limitations.
  • We have been getting ready to get her a big girl bed. We were telling her about it the other night, and she broke down crying because she wants to stay in her crib. She loves her crib and has NEVER tried to climb out of it.
  • She still takes a pacifier at night, but never during the day. For those of you that know her, that is HUGE!
  • She had her first dentist appointment and was such a brave girl. It was 3 weeks ago, and she is still talking about the dentist. No cavities for her!!
  • She is doing lots of imaginative play now. She plays with her Calico Critters, her Littlest Pet Shop, and her dolls all the time. She loves for us to read to her and help her put puzzles together.
  • We are so proud of her and the person she is. She tests our limits everyday, but at the end of each day I am completely overwhelmed with my love for her.
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Good Morning (17/365)

Bought a new waffle maker yesterday. The kind that rotates around (you know, the type that they have at hotel breakfasts). It worked really well and we had delicious waffles for breakfast. I added a little vanilla and cinnamon to the batter and it made a big difference in flavor. I love that we have time to do big breakfasts on the weekends. Weekdays it is always Zone Bars for me and cereal for Sage.
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Learning (16/365)

Here is Scott, teaching Sage about the inner workings of an automobile. She was interested for about 10 seconds :), then we went for a walk. The picture below is from our walk today. I usually drag my camera along with us. Sage usually asks me not to, but how can I resist? I brought my camera to ACLS class today to take some fun pictures, but of course, left my memory card in my computer (again!). I was really bummed. They would have made great picture of the day stuff.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Nose Picking (15/365)

Nose picking and watching Wubzy. Really, what could be better than that?
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

This Is My Weekend (14/365)

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This is my weeekend...Advanced Cardiac Life Support Class. It is all day tomorrow and most of the day Saturday. I have been so uninspired to study :(
I've taken it before (and passed), so I'm banking on doing it again. I just can't muster the energy (or time) to study. I'm attempting a new mac and cheese recipe tonight (with hot wings YUM!). I will post the recipe if it is good.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our Travel Fridge (13/365)

Today has been a crazy busy day, so this is the best I could come up with. Boring, I know, but I figure some of the 365 pictures are going to be total duds. This is our refridgerator at work. We are "required" to bring a magnet back each time we go on vacation. We have tons of magnets all over that fridge...this is just a sampling. It's actually pretty fun to look at and our patients love it.
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


One of my New Years resolutions is to try to cook more new recipes. I always feel so in a rut with my cooking. Here's one I tried last week. This was so so good. I followed the recipe exactly with the exception that I used boneless skinless chicken breasts instead of bone in.

Tonight I am making BBQ shredded chicken. It is so yummy and easy. Here is the recipe:

In the crockpot combine

1/2 cup ketchup

4 TBS brown sugar

4 TBS red wine vinegar

2 TBS dijon mustard

2 TBS worsteshire sauce

2 cloves garlic

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp liquid smoke

1/4 tsp black pepper

I also add some pepperoncini rings and some of the juice from the bottle, but you don't have to.

Add boneless-skinless chicken breasts or some type of beef roast to the crockpot

Cook all day on low

Shred meat before eating

We eat it on buns with pepperjack cheese or over baked potatoes.

My house smells so good right now!

Started a new book last night called The Bright Side of Disaster. I'm really liking it so far. It is a really easy read, which I needed since the last few books I've read have been really serious.

Car Wash (12/365)

We went though the automatic car wash today. It was only Sage's second time. As you can see, she is still not sure about it.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

My Kindle (11/365)

My Kindle...the best purchase I have ever made (well, other than my camera). I seriously read all the time and the kindle has made it so much easier. I finished a super good book tonight called "Shiver". Like Twilight, it was labeled young adult, but it was still so so good. I highly recommend it. Now I'm off to pick another book from my many choices.
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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pooper Scoopers (10/365)

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Sunday afternoons at our house are all about pooper scooping the back yard. 3 dogs make lots of poo poo over the span of a week. Sage is the poop spotter...she spots it and Scott scoops it. She's really bossy about it too. He lets her touch worms while they are out there too. Gross!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday (9/365)

Today was a very lazy day. We just lounged you can see, Sage wore her jammies all day. I did make a quick trip to Michael's and bought a bunch of clearance Christmas crafts for Sage to play with. She has been busy with them all day. Homemade Zuppa Toscano for dinner. It's cooking now. We even made rice crispie treats with M&M's in it. Yummy :)
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Friday, January 8, 2010

3 In A Row (8/365)

This is what happens when I have to work 3 days in a row. I have a little one who does not want to get out of bed and go to daycare. Sage is NOT a morning person (just like me and her daddy). So, 3 days in a row of getting up at 6:45 or 7:00 is really difficult for her. It's difficult for me too because by day 3 she is a complete monster. She finally got up (with the promise of hot chocolate) and we made it to work and daycare on time :)
For those that asked, edamame are soy beans. They look like a really round green pea. You just boil them in water and then salt the shells. You eat them by popping the beans in your mouth and the salt gets on your lips. You don't eat the shell. They are a yummy, healthy snack. We eat them at work a lot.
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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snacks (7/365)

We had a very busy day at work today (9 patients!), so I brought snacks to help us make it through the day. 3 of my favorite things! Put lots of kosher salt on the edamame!
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