Friday, January 22, 2010

Lily The Bear (22/365)

There is a webcam set up in a den of a black bear in MN somewhere. A goup of bear researchers are keeping everyone updated on her hibernation status and most importantly, of her getting ready to give birth for the first time. I've been watching Lily for the last few days (and I'm one her 38, 000 fans on facebook). She appeared to go into labor yesterday as she was very ancy and pounding around in her den a lot. When Sage got up this morning, Lily appeared to be about to give birth. I explained to Sage what was happening and she was GLUED to the computer screen. She was very upset, thinking her tummy was going to be cut open (like mine was), so I had to explain to her that the baby cub was going to come out a different way. Lily turned her back to the camera right before giving birth, but as soon as the cub was born you could hear her crying (sounded just like a human baby) and Lily was comforting her with grunts and lots of movement trying to get her to nurse. Shortly after, all was quiet except for the sound of the cub suckling. It was amazing to watch. Sage learned a lot today. Lily may have given birth to a second cub already, the researchers are trying to verify it. Check it out!
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Kendell said...

That is awesome! What a cool thing for her to see. I'm sure she LOVED it!

Alison said...

That is so sweet! What a great experience for Sage.
Loving your blog!