Monday, January 18, 2010

My Girl (18/365)

I haven't done an "All About Sage" post in a while, so I though I would update all our family and friends about her today. She is going to be 3 in 2 months (sniff, sniff)
  • As you can tell from the background of todays pic, she loves to play with packing peanuts. Silly girl! We keep a box full of them for her.
  • She talks from the moment she gets up until the moment she goes to bed. And I mean really talk. Her favorite phrase right now is "I told you so mom". She also recently told me that her mouth is her "piehole". Thank you daycare for that one.
  • Scott was cooking a turkey over the weekend and she was crying because it was dead. She also refused to eat it. Ummmm....can you say vegetarian???
  • She, like us, is a total animal lover. She notices every animal in her sights and wants to have long conversations about them. She loves her 3 dogs and 2 cats like crazy. She is really empathetic towards our older dogs and is completely respectful of their limitations.
  • We have been getting ready to get her a big girl bed. We were telling her about it the other night, and she broke down crying because she wants to stay in her crib. She loves her crib and has NEVER tried to climb out of it.
  • She still takes a pacifier at night, but never during the day. For those of you that know her, that is HUGE!
  • She had her first dentist appointment and was such a brave girl. It was 3 weeks ago, and she is still talking about the dentist. No cavities for her!!
  • She is doing lots of imaginative play now. She plays with her Calico Critters, her Littlest Pet Shop, and her dolls all the time. She loves for us to read to her and help her put puzzles together.
  • We are so proud of her and the person she is. She tests our limits everyday, but at the end of each day I am completely overwhelmed with my love for her.
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Kendell said...

Really cool post and a GREAT picture! I frickin ADORE that kid!!!

Danielle Holsapple said...

What an awesome recap of her right now!!!!!

The Sweetest Thing Photography said...

You know what? I LOVE this shot!!!! It's my fave so far this year!

Lonni said...

That is a great photo! She sounds like a fantastic little girl with a great personality! As a parent, it is so much fun watching them grow into themselves!